Saturday, May 16, 2020

Synthesis And Function Of The Dopamine Transporter

In this experiment, the reaction that occurs because of ligand binding to YFP, a dopamine transporter was observed. This experiment required sterility practice, immunofluorescence staining, and colocalization. To accurately conduct immunofluorescence staining, a thorough understanding of proper sterile techniques is needed. Sterility refers to cell culturing experiments without any contamination, therefore all of the experiment was performed under the hood. No discoloration signified no contamination. The entire experiment proved successful upon identifying the YFP dopamine followed by colocalization and concluding with a release of calcium in the cell. Introduction Structure and function of the dopamine transporter The dopamine active†¦show more content†¦The dopamine transporter can also work backwards,for example, in an efflux mode, and recent mutagenesis experiments show different structural requirements for inward and outward transport. Figure 2: Newly synthesized dopamine transporters traffic to the surface of neuronal cells via the endomembranous system which includes the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi Apparatus. (Figure 3 below) Figure 3 DAT is involved in a number of dopamine-related disorders, including ADHD, bipolar disorder, clinical depression, and alcoholism. The gene that encodes the DAT protein is located on human chromosome 5, consists of 15 coding exons, and is roughly 64 kbp long. Dopamine biosynthesis Dopamine is an organic molecule that is made up in the dopaminergic neurons through the expulsion of a carboxyl group from the L-Dopa molecule. Figure 4: The biosynthesis of Dopamine Tyrosine → L-Dopa → Dopamine This chemical functions as a neurotransmitter in nerve cells by sending signals to other nerve cells. DA is produced in the brain, kidneys, plants, and most multicellular animals. The first step in the biosynthesis of Dopamine uses the enzyme Tyrosine Hydroxylase which is biosynthesised. 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